Indoor/ Outdoor Procedures
We believe that Paintball, Airsoft, Gellyball, Laser tag and all our activities are safe activities that can be enjoyed without risk to your health.
Our activities are the ultimate sporting activities for practising social distancing because:
- There is no sharing of equipment (like a ball).
- They are contact-free.
- The games are played at distances much greater than the recommended six feet required for social distancing.
We take your health and safety seriously. To ensure your time at our park is safe and fun, please note the following:
- Our indoor facility is equipped with Active Pure. This works 24/7 killing viruses, bacteria, mold and allergens in the air and surfaces.
- Our staff has been directed to not come to work if feeling unwell. As well, high-risk staff will not be scheduled to work.
- Please complete waivers on your wireless device prior to playing. Fill out Waiver.
- If you feel unwell, have a cough or a fever, for the health and safety of our staff and customers, we ask that you do not visit our facility. Please self-isolate and seek medical attention. A full refund will be offered if you are unable to attend due to sickness.
- All rental equipment has been cleaned and disinfected prior to your arrival at our park.
- Your rental mask is your safety device. It has been cleaned and disinfected and has sat unused for at least 72 hours to ensure your safety. Please keep your mask on at all times when on the playing field.
- New masks are available for purchase and are yours to take home at the end of your visit. You are welcome to reuse your personal mask on future visits to our park and receive a discount. Please ask staff for details.
- Please do not share your equipment with others. Your equipment is for your use only for the duration of your visit to our park.
- Please do not pick up or handle anyone else’s equipment. If you are concerned that someone else has touched your equipment, please inform our staff and they will re-sanitize your equipment, or replace your rental equipment for you.
- Hand sanitizer is provided for your use. We encourage you to wash your hands, sanitize often, and sneeze or cough into a disposable tissue or your elbow, as per Health Canada guidelines. Trash containers are distributed throughout the park for your use.
We welcome your feedback. We will take great care to ensure your safety during your visit. Please let us know how we are doing, and if we can do more.
Mobile Procedures
As we start the slow return to our “New Normal” we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief.
We take your health and safety seriously. To ensure your rentals are safe and fun, please note the following:
- Our staff has been directed to not come to work if feeling unwell. As well, high-risk staff will not be scheduled to work.
- If you feel unwell, have a cough or a fever, for the health and safety of our staff and customers, we ask that you do not use our equipment. Please self-isolate and seek medical attention. A full refund will be offered if you are unable to attend due to sickness.
- All rental equipment has been cleaned and disinfected prior to use