iCombat is the most authentic combat simulation you will ever experience. Initially designed for police and military, it is now available to the public through Frontline Action. The equipment is based on the real thing. Like our irM4, same size, same weight, with simulated muzzle flash and recoil, and just like the real M4, you will be able to fire off a limited number of rounds before having to reload.
Your hit ratio and accuracy are recorded and sent to the main computer. At the end of the round, your points are tallied and you will find out how good of a soldier you really are. The sensors on your tactical vest and headband light up and indicate that you have been shot, and this also shuts down your weapon. The optional StressX Belt jolts you with 4500 volts of electricity. It is completely safe but gives you the same fear in the battlefield you have of getting shot, and it reminds you that you do not want to be hit or get taken out.
Our indoor playing areas are divided into 2 zones: Upstairs and Downstairs. We refer to each level as a different field. There is often a group playing in each area at the same time.
iCombat offers a Variable Intensity Game. With the addition of optional shock belts & more realistic guns you can tailor the game to each individual person all while playing together. This can go between 0 (vibration) to a significant shock on belt level 5. As you can see, our tactical laser tag system is extremely realistic. FBI, military, and police agree this is the best training tool ever created. Now you and your friends get to gear up, duke it out, and find out who is truly the best of the best!
iCombat FAQ
Experience the most realistic combat experience possible with the new iCombat system. With equipment built to military spec, the tactical vest, vibration/shock belt, and magazine-fed iCombat M16 deliver an impact-free solution with the highest adrenaline-pumping experience imaginable! This is for ages 13 and up. Players must be at least 18 years old to use the optional shock belts.
Predator Lasertag is our tried and true experience. Suitable for ages 4 years and up this is a great time for corporate groups and mixtures of all ages. No shock belts here just pure, active fun.
iCombat is for adults, 13 & up. However, the shock belt is only available to those 18 & up.